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KezdőlapPowersoftTouringD Series - Q Series

M Series

Powersoft M SeriesThe M Series offers maximum efficiency with minimum power consumption, ideal for portable sound systems thanks to its 1U standard size and reduced weight and depth. The M Series allows a great flexibility thanks to 5 different 2-channel and 4-channel models, now available also in the HDSP+ETH versions, offering remote control and advanced signal processing abilities thourgh Armonía Pro Audio Suite™. Interface available for Crestron control and monitoring systems.

The M Series represents a superb value from a premium brand with unparalleled efficiency, good for the environment and easy on the power bill. The size and weight is an absolute minimum thanks to the 1 U standard and the reduced depth of the equipment.
M Series models are provided in two versions, M50Q and M28Q (four channels) and M30D, M20D and M14D (two channels).
The two four channels models provide up to 1250W/ch on 4 ohm, while the three two channels models offer a maximum output of 1500W/ch on 4 ohm, while full range can reach up to 360W/ch on 8 ohm.
The M Series provides Optional DSP modules hidden inside to prevent tampering with system settings.
The M Series maintains the high professional class from small to medium applications of installed sound, stage monitors and portable sound.


  • Advanced switch-mode power supply technology for high performance and compact size
  • Fixed frequency switch mode output
  • Patented output filter with ripple cancellation network
  • Neutrik XLR balanced inputs with loop thru XLR and Speakon outputs connectors

Fully protected circuit design with:

  • Ac protection: shut down power supply when AC mains voltage is outside operating range
  • Clip limiter: prevents severely clipped waveforms from reaching loudspeakers, while still maintaining full peak power output
  • DC protection: protects against infrasonic signal at the outputs
  • VHF protections: protects the loudspeakers against non audible, strong, non musical high frequency signals
  • Short circuit protection: protects the amplifier from short circuit or other stressful events for the output circuits with automatic protection reset
  • Thermal protection: when output devices reach 75 °C (167 °F) amplifier shut down outputs, they will unmute automatically when temperature will reach 65 °C (149 °F)
  • Long term limiter: protects the loudspeaker against steady long term rms (non audio) signals reducing maximum output.
  • Temperature controlled continous variable speed fan, front to back airflow
  • Dual 24-bit A/D & D/A with high dynamic range (114 dB(A)), 56 bit for internal processing and 1 ms fixed latency; separate input/output EQ's with numerous filters of various types up to 48 dB/oct; peak, RMS, and frequency dependent limiters, time alignment*
  • Recessed stepped attenuators
  • Modular construction
  • Full three year warranty
  • Compact size - all models only 1 RU for reduced rack cost and space
  • Light weight - all models only 7.4 kg (16 pounds) for easier racking and shipping
  • Control and monitoring* through Armonía Pro Audio Suite™
  • Interface available* for Crestron control and monitoring systems
  • * = HDSP+ETH version only
multi-channel modemono-bridged
4 Ω8 Ω8 Ω
M50Q4 x 1,250 W4 x 750 W2 x 2,500 W
M50Q HDSP+ETH4 x 1,250 W4 x 750 W2 x 2,500 W
M28Q 4 x 700 W4 x 360 W 2 x 1,400 W
M28Q HDSP+ETH4 x 700 W4 x 360 W2 x 1,400 W
M30D2 x 1,500 W2 x 900 W1 x 3,000 W
M30D HDSP+ETH2 x 1,500 W2 x 900 W1 x 3,000 W
M20D2 x 1,000 W2 x 600 W1 x 2,000 W
M20D HDSP+ETH2 x 1,000 W2 x 600 W1 x 2,000 W
M14D2 x 700 W2 x 360 W1 x 1,400 W
M14D HDSP+ETH2 x 700 W2 x 360 W1 x 1,400 W

EIAJ test standard, 1 kHz, 1% THD

Powersoft reserves the right to change specifications without notice.

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Kizárólagos Powersoft forgalmazó: Music Benei